Fine Art Digital Scanning RET

Artwork & Film Scanning

Professional artwork and film scanning services

Digitize artwork and analog photography

For professional level prints and reproductions, getting an excellent digital file is a critical first step. Without a quality file, reproduction options are limited. We help a variety of artists and photographers make high resolution color accurate digital master files from their work.

Creating high resolution and color accurate scans for professional artwork reproductions

We work with artists from many different disciplines — painting, drawing, watercolor, pen and ink, illustration, collage, as well as other mixed media works on paper.

To create accurate renditions of the originals, we scan artwork at up to 2400 PPI for incredible detail using our color calibrated software. Shadow and highlight detail is preserved, and tonality remains smooth while capturing texture accurately. We also scan photographic prints and heirloom family photographs to either digitize, optimize, restore, or preserve.

We advise and consult on the optimum method for each artwork capture whether it is done in-house or with one of our trusted partners

Epson Digital Scanning by Brooklyn Editions

Martha Edelheit in BKX print studio

Martha Edelheit in our studio

Scanning the original work by Martha Edelheit

Original work by Martha Edelheit

In-house computer scanning artwork by Martha Edelheit

Differences between scanning and photographic capture

The best method to digitize most paintings is scanning, as the controlled lighting, specialized software for color calibration, and perfect registration generally results in better files.

For example, an 8.5” x 11” scanned artwork at 2400 PPI can yield a file that is 26,400 pixels long, or in other words, able to print at 300 PPI at 88” long. This is more than twice the detail of capture from a 100 megapixel camera.

Photographic capture can be beneficial when there are reflective materials present in the artwork or if the work needs highly controlled adaptable lighting. Line cameras and large format solutions can be the ideal tools in this case, and our studio can provide direction to these resources.

Quality artwork scans will

Capture every detail possible with microscopic accuracy

Be highly color accurate

Hold highlight and shadow detail

Allow for fine edits and cleaner extractions due to the extremely high resolution

Maintain smooth tonal transitions

Provide the very best artwork reproductions

Preserve an accurate copy of the work for perpetuity


Flatbed scans start at $75 per scan and can be discounted with quantity. Included in this fee are basic color correction, contrast adjustment, and some simple dust removal.

Download our Scanning Pricelist  ↴

Flatbed scanning

With a live scanning area of 18" x 25", our professional in-house flatbed scanner and dedicated color accurate software captures every detail from flat artworks, including vintage photography, painting, drawing, watercolors, illustration, collage, and other mixed media works on paper.

Wide gamut RGB files

All work is scanned into a wide color gamut RGB working space in order to capture all printable colors accurately. Depending on the client's needs, files can be converted to other color modes and spaces for projects such as commercial books and proofs in CMYK, to sRGB for web. Clients will receive the full resolution image TIFF file format.

Artwork cared for by artists

We handle all client's original work with the utmost care and expertise as we understand that maintaining its original condition is critical. Works that may be especially fragile or already deteriorating should be discussed in advance to ensure that this is the best method for digitization.

Some work with highly reflective metallics or varnish may cause reflections. We can review work and discuss any potential difficulties at a pre-scan consultation.

Andres Valencia, 'Ms. Cube' original painting amongst our reproductions

Andres Valencia, 'Ms. Cube' original painting amongst our reproductions

Larger format captures

Our in-house scanning equipment is ideal for most non-reflective works up to about 36" x 48". With such a high resolution scan, the size potential for artwork reproduction is nearly infinite. We do have the capability to accommodate even larger sizes, and our ability is determined on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us with more details and our team will let you know what is possible.  

For large scale works that we cannot scan, and for reflective works, we have partners to provide ideal solutions to getting the very best capture of the artwork. We can provide referrals for both large scale museum quality scanning and high resolution artwork photography, depending on the specific needs, budget, and limitations of each unique project.

Drum Scanning for the absolute best quality file from any film format

For photographers looking for film scans that are unsurpassed in quality, drum scans are available through our partner Drum Scanning NYC.

Drum scanning provides the greatest dynamic range possible, incredibly high resolution, and smooth accurate tonality. Nothing can match the sharpness, tonality, and detail provided by a drum scanner. The PMT (PhotoMultiplier Tube) sensor on a drum scanner is a more sensitive instrument than any CCD in the very best cameras. It provides great detail, color accuracy, and shadow information without noise. The drum scanner also has aperture controls that allow for the film grain to be minimized and reproduced naturally while providing exceptional sharpness.

Drum scans are made by mounting the film onto a clear cylinder with special oil (unharmful to the original film), which not only improves shadow and highlight detail, but also absorbs most dust and fills in scratches and cuffs on the base. As a result, the time and work saved in post production clean up is often worth the cost of the scan alone. This is a tremendous advantage over the virtual Hasselblad / Imacon scanners.

Drum Scanning NYC partner for film scans

Drum Scanning NYC

Photo of Drum Scanning process

Drum Scanning NYC can scan any film format up to 8000 PPI resolution, in 16-bit grayscale or 48-bit color:

35mm film
Any 120 / 220mm roll film format: 645, 6x6, 6x7, 6x8, 6x9, 6x12, 617
Large format sheet film: 4” x 5”, 5” x 7”, 8” x 10”
Color negatives, chromes, transparencies, and all black and white film
Polaroids and photographic prints up to 11" x 11.8"

Drum Scanning NYC Rates

Visit Drum Scanning NYC
File Format / Resolution
File Size (16 bit)
Print Size
@ 300 PPI output
35 mm / 4000 ppi
120 MB
13” x 19”
35 mm / 8000 ppi
500 MB
25” x 38”
4 × 5 / 2000 ppi
425 MB
26” x 33”
4 × 5 / 4000 ppi
1.7 GB
53” x 66”
6 × 12 / 4000 ppi
1 GB
31” x 63”
6 × 12 / 8000 ppi
3.8 GB
63” x 126”
6 × 6 / 4000 ppi
500 MB
31” x 31”
6 × 6 / 8000 ppi
2 GB
63” x 63”
6 × 7 / 4000 ppi
600 MB
31” x 37”
6 × 7 / 8000 ppi
2.3 GB
63” x 73”
6 × 8 / 4000 ppi
680 MB
31” x 42”
6 × 8 / 8000 ppi
2.6 GB
63” x 84”
6 × 9 / 4000 ppi
760 MB
31” x 47”
6 × 9 / 8000 ppi
3 GB
47” x 70”
617 panoramic / 4000 ppi
1.4 GB
31” x 89”
645 / 4000 ppi
350 MB
34” x 31
645 / 8000 ppi
1.3 GB
63” x 47”
8 × 10 / 2666 ppi
3 GB
71” x 89”
Polaroids & Prints
300 PPI - 600 PPI
Up to 11”x 11.8”

LIMIT OF LIABILITY: While we take every precaution for the safekeeping and handling of all artwork, painting, drawing, print, film, digital file, negative, and transparency, submitting these materials for processing, printing, or other handling constitutes an AGREEMENT by you that any damage or loss by our company, subsidiary, or agents due to unpredictable defects in materials, or even due to the negligence or other fault of our company, subsidiary, or agents, will entitle you only to replacement with a fair equivalent to your media costs. Except for such replacement, the acceptance by our company, subsidiary, and/or agents of the film, print, slide, negative, transparency or artwork is without other warranty or liability, and recovery for any incidental or consequential damages is excluded. Should any material submitted involve high value the onus is upon the client to appropriately insure it. By placing an order, you hereby agree to all of the terms and policies outlined above.

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